Monday, October 4, 2010

The peace of Christ

I went through another layer of inner healing this last week, as the Christ in me healed deep beliefs of not being worthy and not being good enough. As the healing approached, I was feeling uncomfortably compelled to take action in the world to change my external situation, trying to avoid facing my inner truth.

I dreamed I was being operated on my spiritual doctors, and literally for 4 days after, felt as though I was recovering from an operation. I was exhausted, slept a lot and felt foggy, as though on medication.

And then after, I began to feel a renewal of Christ’s love in me, and around me, shining through everything. The love is with me tonight as I write. Today at work I was no longer caught in the mental stories of pressurizing myself to start a business, or live my purpose.

In the peace of Christ, I was complete. This is a supreme gift. The Prince of Peace.

It is such a blessing to know that His healing, and his peace and love, awaits, if we could be willing to surrender our stories and our desires to take charge of our lives, and  to stop obsessing about our lives. This is freedom.




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