"If you're looking to breakthrough what’s holding you back, Bruce offers insight's grounded in world class integral theory, articulated with precision and delivered with openness and true compassion. Bruce quickly got me out of a hole I had been stuck in for four months". Thanks Bruce.-
Paul Falconer
Entrepeneur, Underburg, KwaZulu-Natal
Entrepeneur, Underburg, KwaZulu-Natal
One of Bruce's books, The Abundant Christian explores the relation of forgiveness and enlightenment, and gives practical tools for conscious creation.
How did Bruce arrive at this point?
"After exploring pop new age books, I enjoyed the ideas, was hungry for an authentic spirituality, yet my life was unchanged. I subsequently spent 8 years in the East pursuing enlightenment, and studied with several powerful teachers.
I realized that a commitment to practice was essential. After many mistakes, I discovered the fundamental transformation practices of the spiritual traditions, both East and West, and after dedicated practice, an ongoing Kundalini awakening spontaneously began which has lead me into a stable realization of living from the True Self. Christ presented himself to me and I was drawn to return to South Africa and practice my spirituality in a Christian context.
Spiritual transformation is much more than belief or reading books. Its a heart and soul commitment, and with the correct guidance and practices, you can save yourself years of mistakes. The presence of a teacher/coach accelerates the process. One of my goals is to heal the scars religious Christianity has left in so many, and to bring back the esoteric Christian center.
Through my coaching, I suggest you read my free book first. If you are drawn to personal work, which greatly accelerates your progress, then I coach to the principles in the book, as well as to other appropriate practices designed to engage your body, emotions, mind and spirit."